BIPOC & LGBTQ2+ Mental Health Resources
This is our resource page where you can find mental health organizations across Ontario. Credit to Kaitlyn Boudreault of the Ontario Mental Health Support Group on Facebook for compiling these resources.
Resources for Indigenous Ontarians
Call 1-844-626-4673 (24/7) or text the same number
between 8am-12am or chat on the website
NAN Hope is a Telephone and Virtual Rapid Access
Centre that offers 3 services;
● 24/7 toll-free rapid access to confidential crisis
● Navigation: Our Navigators provide connection
to ongoing mental health and addictions
support services in home communities and
existing regional supports
● Rapid Access to clinical and mental health
Indigenous women can get help, support and
resources seven days a week, 24 hours a day, with
services in 14 languages.
Toll-free: 1-855-554-4325
Text: 1-855-554-4325
AHACs provide different types of health and social
support services to First Nations, Métis and Inuit
communities. Right now, there are 10 AHACs in
Ontario. They provide care both on- and off-reserve, in
cities, and in rural and northern communities. Services
include mental health counselling, traditional healing
and addiction programs, and youth empowerment.
You don’t need a referral, and there are no fees.
To book an appointment at an Aboriginal Health
Access Centre, go to the website of the
Association of Ontario Health Centres
(, click on Find A Centre, and then
Anishnawbetype in your city and postal code.
Under the drop-down menu for Type, click on
Aboriginal and then click Search.
The association offers a variety of programs for Indigenous girls and women and their families in Ontario.
A provincial service provider for the Inuit in Ontario that includes social support, cultural activities, counselling and crisis intervention. Two Ottawa-based Inuit services are the Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre ( and the Akausivik Inuit Family Health Team (AIFHT) (, which offers free primary care to Inuit people.
Community Health Centres (CHCs) are non-profit
organizations that provide primary health and
health promotion programs for individuals,
families and communities. A health centre is
established and governed by a community-elected
board of directors.
Offer services to Aboriginal communities. They offer
specific programs to Indigenous people in Toronto
(Anishnawbe Health Toronto), Timmins (Misiway
Milopemahtesewin) and Midland (CHIGAMIK).
There are 28 Friendship Centres in towns and
cities across Ontario that offer various health and
social services. Examples of their services include:
● The Children’s Mental Health Project,
which has programs at five Friendship
Centres in Ontario for children aged
7–15 and their families
● The Children Who Witness Violence
Program for children aged 7–14.
● To find an Indigenous Friendship
Centre, go to the Ontario Federation
of Indigenous Friendship Centres
( and click on
Friendship Centre
Mental health services include screening and
assessment, intake, early intervention, referrals, case
management, and aftercare (post-treatment) support
using contemporary and traditional therapeutic
interventions, such as healing circles and individual
or group counselling. Mental wellness promotion and
peer support are also available.
In Ottawa and continues to provide mental wellness and outreach services at this time. The clinic is open 9am to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday. They ask that youcall ahead before coming to their walk-in clinic:613-758-5999.
Resources for Racialized Ontarians
They are a collective of advocates, yoga teachers,
artists, therapists, lawyers, religious leaders, teachers,
psychologists and activists committed to the
emotional/mental health and healing of Black
Mental health support and services delivered through
Anti-Racism/Anti-Black racism and Anti-Oppression
● Call: 416-787-3007-Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to
4 p.m.
Culturally safe mental health services for Black
children, youth, adults and families.instagram
● Call: 416-740-1056 Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to
4:30 p.m
This guide offers a list of the top 50 resources to support Black men who are struggling with addiction or mental illness.
Live Another Day believes in equal access to life-saving mental health and substance use resources. This website provides extensive information on the best resources available.
Written and curated by Black women, this guide features over 60 resources for BIPOC folks.
Provides mental health and other services to the
African, Black, Caribbean, Latin American and South
Asian communities in Toronto and surrounding
municipalities. Using a feminist, anti-racist, anti-
oppressive approach.
They are a non-profit community legal clinic that provides
free legal services for low or no income Black
residents of Ontario.
Fostering safe spaces for Mental Health Visibility within
their community -- instagram page with additional mental
health resources
Features abundant information including mental health and substance use resources specifically for the AAPI (American Asian and Pacific Islander) community.
Resources for LGBTQ2+ Ontarians
Offers a toll-free Ontario-wide peer-support phone
line (and TTY) for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender,
transsexual, 2-spirited, queer and questioning young
Sun-Fri 4-9:30pm EST call 1-800-268-9688 or Text:
LGBT Youth Line is a Queer, Trans, Two-Spirit* youth-
led organization that affirms and supports the
experiences of youth (29 and under) across Ontario.
We do this by:
● Providing anonymous peer support and
● Training youth to provide support to other
youth; and
● Providing resources so youth can make
informed decisions.
Supporting Our Youth (SOY) is an innovative
community development program of Sherbourne
Health. SOY works to support the health and well-
being of all queer and trans spectrum youth 29
years old and under through our groups, programs
and events and by providing one-on-one support in
They respond to the evolving needs of the LGBTQ2S
communities in Toronto, from counselling services and
queer parenting resources to coming out groups, trans
programming, and senior’s support.
Studies have shown that individuals in the LGBTQ+ community are more likely to use and abuse alcohol and drugs and tend to continue abuse throughout their lives. We work to spread awareness and to be an informational resource for those impacted by alcohol and drug dependence.